I'm awakened by the loud mechanical choral of engines roaring, tires loudly kissing the highway, horns blasting,
trains screeching violently running over tracks and the loud bustle of people on their morning rush.
Sounds that used to be whispers in the night become loud violent sounds that abuse the ears.
The day has yet to begin and already I can feel that it will stretch further than I'd like it to.
Here in this maze of concrete time is like a turtle on speed,
Stealing minutes off the clock when you’re not watching its hands.
try to catch it in the act and it stays still.
I dreamt I took the biggest bite out this rotten big apple full of maggots and worms.
I like you dreamt of success and being on top, dreams sold to me by a society that lives a nightmare.
Dreams spawned by selfish men and the "I don't give a shit" politicians.
The flashing lights serve as the excellent propaganda for a place where dreams could be made real
but stare too long and you will find yourself blinded, unable to see the system designed to set you up for failure unless you follow specific rules.
The games been rigged for a win-win situation.
It’s the secret everybody knows, the truth that hurts too much so everyone plays stupid
Forced, you involuntary become another cog in the system, trapped in routine, working alongside millions of other pieces that are all irrelevant in order to sustain function of the bullshit machine.
so eventually I turn bitter as the days continue to pass me by and the more I feel insignificant. Reality and fantasy start to look like twins, and as while I walk the streets I have to stop and pinch myself to make sure I'm real.
I run on the belief that love can cure all things but recently the doctor simply has too many patients to see.
There is so much to hate.
David Lerner said it best: “hate is just love with a chip on it's shoulder..a chip as big as the Ritz...”
Peace is abstract to those who have only known war; and humans have only known war.
here in this concrete jungle we soon realize that they are far too many parasites and predators.
They don’t give a shit about broken skies or damaged rainbows
The concrete jungle has no plush sunsets or romantic nights with stars packed tightly in it like sardines.
No, Here in the concrete jungle sunshine comes in bags, blue stars are pills, there’s candy for the nose and happiness can be given to you over the counter.
you can buy love like sex , all you have to do is look for the bitches who prostitute their soul and mind.
The ones with a sweet tooth for money and an addiction for beauty.
the concrete jungle is the school of hard knocks you can choose to pay attention or they’ll sit you in detention where you can get raped by the long thick dick of the law.
Here life’s a gorgeous child experiencing domestic violence, the famished beautiful eyed girl on the cover of National Geographic dying with aids, it’s the neglected and molested little boy who was forced to suck step daddy’s dick while mommy sold her pussy on the streets to put food on the table.
Or life can be the sexiest woman ever, a bitch sometimes but damn she so fine, you can choose to fuck her but know that you will always cum first, and when you bust in her face, she will lick her lips just like you like it…but if her love is unrequited, ...expect a one night stand and an STD.
In the concrete jungle the streets are better teachers than my professors at school,
they trying to feed us this food for thought but they can’t cook,
not only will they make you wash the dishes but you will be left unsatisfied with a bad taste in your mouth.
They are sugar coating it thinking I won’t taste the lies, but I can smell the bullshit in their breath before the words leave their mouth.
The education system is that bad joke no one genuinely laughs at but everyone’s heard it before and everyone keeps telling it.
it's a Fucking circus I tell you, we got political clowns with bad makeup, scaring all the kids, juggling all the wrong solutions.
we got environmentalists as side show freaks and poor people doing acrobatics on a thin line of hope,
the rich run the show,
raking in every penny from the audience, and we sit back and watch.
some of us clapping like entertained retarded babies.
Ignorance is bliss, they'll get you if you know to much.
Protest or rebel and the magicians will make you disappear.
in the concrete jungle there are plenty lessons to learn, but first pain and sorrow have to cut deep enough for the lesson to sink in.
and what don't kill you will make you stronger.
I'm a soldier of faith that will never surrender.
i want be king, heart made of gold pumping royal blue blood , a warrior full of scars because I've been fighting to live but
In this concrete jungle…everybody wants to be the lion

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