
RE; Tomorrow Never Dies

All is hurricanes and all is butterflies,
And "Tomorrow never dies!", she cries.

She yells/sings for the sake of dawning hope,
Passions intertwined, once twin hearts elope,
Feathered flights of fancy in falsetto ramblings,
In his eyes and hers, a refracted diamond kaleidoscope.
In his eyes lay tumbling light struck tears,
In hers, the same - the sum of all falling fears.
Causality, case by case, coming to trial standing,
Both victims sentenced to the review of years.
And so; So slowly does the hourglass sand fall,
Sister Time held prisoner steadfastly in it's thrall-
But caught as she is, the machination doesn't deny,
That he can't stop her course no matter how hard he tries.

In time, all hurts will heal.
In time, everythings purpose will be revealed.

All is hurricanes, and all is butterflies.
All is never-ending, and tomorrow never dies.

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