In battlefields where love and hate constantly war, both sides suffer severe
Casualties… but hate is winning the battles,
Its draft system is more convincing, spreading like wildfire in dry corn fields.
Too few are ready for combat in the armies of love and the wounded refuse to
Fight, cowered in their foxholes, in fetal position, hugging their knees with
Their forearms and clutching their helmets, overwhelmed by fear,
While the soldiers of hate sport their scars of war like medals of Honor. Their
Engine for battle fueled by vengeance, their thirst for happiness quenched by
Your failure, misery and despair; and are only satisfied by the pleasure in destruction, and so
It seems as if love came to battle without the proper weaponry.
It’s got winged
Babies with terrible accuracy shooting arrows while hate came with sharpshooters and warriors Armed to the
Armed with jealousy and an infinite supply of grudges as artillery.
Ignorance as a helmet and selfishness for body armor.
They got prejudice grenades and anger for a tank and the devils the general
Taking no P.o.w"s
I've seen loves soldiers defeated on red stained floors, bleeding faith,
Staining their hopes with pessimism,
Bodies riddled with bullets, mangled by violence.
The putrid stench of depression and the silence of sorrow lingering in the air,
And everything is covered in blackness.
Yet that very same grim darkness gives birth to a light emitting from a force
That is not the sun, but a soldier whose passion for life burns hotter than any fire known to man. Possesses a strength fear itself fears and out for
Encouragement he tells his comrades:
“Do not fear death my friends for we are
Immortal, gather your masses and heal your wounds, love your enemy for he is your brother, have courage and you shall
have victory”.

All i remember is the flash of lights twinkling like a Saharan desert night sky, and the flames from the fire dancing to the sound of destruction
faith is absent
i remember the smell of blood in chemistry with metal and gunpowder
i remember fields of red grass littered with bodies, stale eyes void of hope,
gray skies and smoke that chocked the lungs
i remember being submerged in the sound of violence
i remember drowning in the stagnant sound of gunfire
i remember the screaming and death laughing at the devils jokes
I remember looking for a cause and i remember being told my cause
i remember us together and dying alone
faith is absent
i remember the smell of blood in chemistry with metal and gunpowder
i remember fields of red grass littered with bodies, stale eyes void of hope,
gray skies and smoke that chocked the lungs
i remember being submerged in the sound of violence
i remember drowning in the stagnant sound of gunfire
i remember the screaming and death laughing at the devils jokes
I remember looking for a cause and i remember being told my cause
i remember us together and dying alone
(My subconscious)
When threatened....
Sometimes even I fear what poems will appear in these blank pages
Ive seen them form daemons and monsters.
The Type of beasts that cannot be contained by cages.
I fear the words will materialize before me
Spawning a Beelzebub fathered by my imagination,
a creature that schemes to corner me
Forcing me
to submit to the leviathan of my subconscious
something inside of me you don’t want to see
but will transpire if it has to be
sometimes I fear what words will bleed from my veins through my pencil
I fear they will reveal secrets from my heart, whispers in the standstill
Between beats
I’m afraid of what my hearts speaks
Fear my soul wanders too far when my brain sleeps
So my body leaks courage on my sheets while my brain counts sheep
Afraid I’ll lose myself in wonderland leaving my body abandoned and vulnerable to be possessed
Textbook dreams and fantasies that leave us vexed
So when reality bites and everything comes tumbling down
You stand there with a frown looking completely perplexed
I won’t let you IN
Im afraid you won’t understand my context
Im afraid you will see the holes in my wall
The weaknesses in my defenses
The gaps in my fences that contain my mess of senselessness
That makes up the complexity of my thoughts and emotions
When my mind sinks to depths darker and deeper than the deepest oceans
I’m afraid I don’t understand so don’t force me to explain
But if today I should die don’t cry or pity me for you are doing so in vain
Because if I could do it, id live my life again
And id smile through the misery and laugh through the pain
Because no matter how sweet the sunshine is in paradise…
There will always
be rain.
Sometimes even I fear what poems will appear in these blank pages
Ive seen them form daemons and monsters.
The Type of beasts that cannot be contained by cages.
I fear the words will materialize before me
Spawning a Beelzebub fathered by my imagination,
a creature that schemes to corner me
Forcing me
to submit to the leviathan of my subconscious
something inside of me you don’t want to see
but will transpire if it has to be
sometimes I fear what words will bleed from my veins through my pencil
I fear they will reveal secrets from my heart, whispers in the standstill
Between beats
I’m afraid of what my hearts speaks
Fear my soul wanders too far when my brain sleeps
So my body leaks courage on my sheets while my brain counts sheep
Afraid I’ll lose myself in wonderland leaving my body abandoned and vulnerable to be possessed
Textbook dreams and fantasies that leave us vexed
So when reality bites and everything comes tumbling down
You stand there with a frown looking completely perplexed
I won’t let you IN
Im afraid you won’t understand my context
Im afraid you will see the holes in my wall
The weaknesses in my defenses
The gaps in my fences that contain my mess of senselessness
That makes up the complexity of my thoughts and emotions
When my mind sinks to depths darker and deeper than the deepest oceans
I’m afraid I don’t understand so don’t force me to explain
But if today I should die don’t cry or pity me for you are doing so in vain
Because if I could do it, id live my life again
And id smile through the misery and laugh through the pain
Because no matter how sweet the sunshine is in paradise…
There will always
be rain.
Recipe For Love
1 drop of Curiosity
½ leaf of Anxiousness
2 cups of Lust
10.75 pound of Trust
12 ounces of Empathy
4 table spoons of pure respect
1 cup of “all purpose, all natural, 100% percent” Truth Extract (White Lies brand is preferable; I personally believe this is the best brand with the less “mix” in it. In other words it’s closer to the 100%)
1 packet of sweetened forgiveness and excuses
Half Soul
Key Cooking tools
A Dreamers Grill
Fantasy Coals
Care Pot
Uncertainty Spoon
Conventional Stove/Oven will not do. You Need a Dreamers Grill and fantasy coals; the combination of the two holds the Passion Fire needed to achieve optimum results
Start with a Size 20 Potjie Pot of Care
Add one drop of curiosity and a half leaf of anxiousness
Crush and mix with a spoon of uncertainty
Add 4 tablespoons of respect and stir until its well mixed
Add two cups of lust (aroma may cause tingling of spine, biting of the lips, Hot skin and Uncontrollable fidgeting)
Add the Empathy (stir)
Add 10.75 pounds of trust. ( If the concoction starts to turn green with jealousy add more trust to turn it the bright yellow of trust it should be)
Add packet of sweetened forgiveness and excuses for that twist of flavor, (Add too much and this is all ruined).
(Like magic you will notice you are no longer turning your spoon, it will churn your concoction as if possessed by the ghost of love, Using your sleepless nights in relentless deep thought, Long phone conversations and day dreams, irrational decision making and unexplainable combination of emotions as energy to keep mixing)
Now pay attention!! Here come the complicated ingredients.
Add half your soul and drain the brain of everything you knew before this; drop in your heart and there you have it.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you...
1 drop of Curiosity
½ leaf of Anxiousness
2 cups of Lust
10.75 pound of Trust
12 ounces of Empathy
4 table spoons of pure respect
1 cup of “all purpose, all natural, 100% percent” Truth Extract (White Lies brand is preferable; I personally believe this is the best brand with the less “mix” in it. In other words it’s closer to the 100%)
1 packet of sweetened forgiveness and excuses
Half Soul
Key Cooking tools
A Dreamers Grill
Fantasy Coals
Care Pot
Uncertainty Spoon
Conventional Stove/Oven will not do. You Need a Dreamers Grill and fantasy coals; the combination of the two holds the Passion Fire needed to achieve optimum results
Start with a Size 20 Potjie Pot of Care
Add one drop of curiosity and a half leaf of anxiousness
Crush and mix with a spoon of uncertainty
Add 4 tablespoons of respect and stir until its well mixed
Add two cups of lust (aroma may cause tingling of spine, biting of the lips, Hot skin and Uncontrollable fidgeting)
Add the Empathy (stir)
Add 10.75 pounds of trust. ( If the concoction starts to turn green with jealousy add more trust to turn it the bright yellow of trust it should be)
Add packet of sweetened forgiveness and excuses for that twist of flavor, (Add too much and this is all ruined).
(Like magic you will notice you are no longer turning your spoon, it will churn your concoction as if possessed by the ghost of love, Using your sleepless nights in relentless deep thought, Long phone conversations and day dreams, irrational decision making and unexplainable combination of emotions as energy to keep mixing)
Now pay attention!! Here come the complicated ingredients.
Add half your soul and drain the brain of everything you knew before this; drop in your heart and there you have it.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you...
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