Merry Christmas!
What The Blind See
A blind man only imagines with his mind the things we describe to him.
Yet he may see more beauty in life than you and I who bare sight.
But what if for one moment, one night, God could grant such a man the gift of sight as he stood on a beach in front of his wife? What then would he see?
As soon as he has vision, would before him stand just a woman?
Or his imagination of beautiful, the epitome of it?
When he looks up at the sky would he see stars,
or would he see little holes in the floor of heaven?
When he lays eyes upon the moon would he just see a bright sphere or would he see the glow in the dark ball god forgot in his playground?
When he looked at the water, would he just see sea? Or would he see the sky's mirror?
When he looked at the ground, would he just see sand and footprints?
Or would he see his memoirs imprinted on a surface that kept secrets with every tide? Read them and notice that god is a poet?
Would he then smile and say nature is amazing as he observed this scene?
Or would he dismiss all the words we have made up to describe what we see, and for this precious moment marvel at the artistry of god?
Gasp at how well he blended his colors and detailed his picture?
Would his vision augment the rest of his senses? Would he glance back at beauty, kiss her lips, and taste true love?
Would you believe him if he told you he could see angels, and that this specific breeze was the effect of the flap of their wings? …
Right then he would go back to being a blind man but has seen more than you and I have in our lives in a single moment.